
of=50,332,443I believe that everyone can make changes in their life to be happy, healthy and strong.

There is so much information about what you should and should not do but, most of us need help figuring out what works best. The work out routine and diet that worked for your best friend may not be the best choices for you.

I believe the key is figuring out what works best for you.

I’ve witnessed the damaging effects of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other illnesses on family members and friends. I’ve watched them struggle with making permanent changes to improve their health and fitness.

I believe it is better to focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t do.

And, now that I am officially “middle age” I know a healthier lifestyle is essential for enjoying my senior years. It seems that everyday there is new research to support the importance of exercise for aging with grace and strength. Still, I am deciding which competitive athletic activities I will focus on next.

I believe that at any age exercise and healthy eating will help you be more confident, live life with more vitality and remain dynamic through all of our life phases.

I started Bailey Fitness for Life to help my clients:

  • Demystify the conflicting information of how to be healthy
  • Learn how to make better choices to improve their health every day
  • See the value of investing in prevention
  • Achieve their fitness and wellness goals

In my management consultant life I help organizations identify and implement solutions to a variety of strategic, operational and governance challenges. I bring the same skills and talents to my wellness training: Assessment, Goal setting, Training & Coaching, and Connections.

Training & Credentials: Over 20 years experience as a personal trainer and group instructor;  Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching alumnus; boot camp instructor (former Sergeant’s boot camp instructor); competitive fitness and obstacle course athlete.